Ethnic Conflict and Job Separations.


Sami Miaari, Zussman, Asaf , and Zussman, Noam . 2012. “Ethnic Conflict And Job Separations.”. Journal Of Population Economics, 25, 2, Pp. 419-437.


We study the effect of the second Intifada – a violent conflict between Israel and its Palestinian neighbors which erupted in September 2000 – and the ensuing demonstrations of Arab citizens of Israel on labor market outcomes of Arabs relative to those of Jewish Israelis. The analysis relies on a large matched employer–employee dataset, focusing on firms that in the pre-Intifada period hired both Arabs and Jews. We find that until September 2000 Arab workers had a lower rate of job separation than their Jewish peers and that this differential was significantly reduced after the outbreak of the Intifada.
Last updated on 02/21/2024